Privacy Policy

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We’re in the UK, operating under the provisions of the Data Protection Act, which means that you have some basic guarantees of privacy.



We do use Google AdWords, and Google drops cookies. You can tell Google that you don’t want “behavioural” advertising, you want to “opt out of Google interest based advertising“.

Web Analytics

We do use Google Analytics, and that drops a cookie. Google says that it doesn’t use the cookie for advertising purposes. However, if you really want to disable that cookie, too, look at how to use Google’s optional browser extension to opt out of Analytics.

Web Server Log File Analysis

We do a lot of work analysing web server log files. There’s a lot of information there. We try to anonymise data, because what we’re looking for is patterns of how the search engines are treating users 0 that is, we care about which search queries lead to which page, from which location. We don’t care that it is you, personally, doing that search. Its that the search engines have chosen to show you our site… The Search Engine is what we’e looking at. However, we may learn, in the course of doing that, a reverse lookup of your IP address reveals the town of your location, or the business that you work for.

Other Stuff

There is currently no online purchase mechanism on our web site, so deleting any or all of the cookies doesn’t do any harm to your experience of our site.

If you do submit a contact form, or phone us, we won’t pass your details to a third party unless for the following reasons:

  • We’re legally required to do so – by the police or other lawful authority
  • We’ve employed a third party to look after customers or analysis of data; but we hold them responsible for keeping your privacy and not contacting you without your permission

Can’t think of anything else you need to know – but you can ask directly (call us), compete a contact form, or use the comment field below. We’ll answer sensible questions as soon as we can…

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