Google Search As If You’re In Another Country Or Language.

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This form helps you see how your adverts and organic search results look, as if you were in another country. It’s not as simple as putting the country code instead of “.com”. You also need to tell Google the target country – or you end up seeing the adverts you’d see in your own country.

    NOTE – This is a new version of our old tool, now written for WordPress/PHP. It has some extensions (Personal Search and Ad Test), and one omission that may be important – it doesn’t let you choose the language of the pages to return.

    We do have, sitting in the wings, two more extensions – a cookie to remember your choices (though, is the back button that hard to use for most of the time?) and *region* and *city/town* level targeting to look at smaller geotargeted areas. We’ll try to get those extensions out sooner than this version.

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