Social Media

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We can barely see the difference between Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Social Media (SM) these days. To build a successful brand, you need to be where your audience is, and improving your target audience awareness of your business activities and values. Those are just the kinds of activity that work well for SEO, but count as Social Media.

How can we help you?

  • Engagement Metrics
  • Content Production

We can set up a basic social media monitoring service, so you can track what’s happening to your brand. We can help you find out where your audiences are, and what interests them. More significantly, we can help you react appropriately to the messages about your brand, and about events related to your brand values. Social media is less about presenting a canned message and more about responding to significant events from individuals – whether that’s a tweeted complaint or praise for how well your products and services are working.

And, just as with SEO, you need to be found where you should be found by your target audiences. We can identify which web sites and services are interesting to your audience, and how to interact and engage with them.

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