Website Conversion Improvement

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If you could tweak your web site to help you sell more, that’d be pretty good, wouldn’t it? When Google sees your page as a better answer for users, you can make SEO ranking gains and AdWords cost reductions – further reducing your lead costs, too.

Website improvement is such a fundamental part of what we think about, that we sometimes forget to list it when we’re asked what we do – because we think of it as an integral and near indivisible part of paid search, SEO and social media activities.

Although we have used Google Website Optimiser, we’ve found that inspection with heatmappers (also known as click mappers) can transform understanding of the site more effectively, as a first round of improvements. Looking at what users click on, and how long they took to decide to click, can also provide a cheap alternative to usability testing.

For example, if your designer made your web site action buttons (“Buy”, “Sign Up”, etc) in the same colours as your brand, your site may be confusing users into thinking that buttons are just labels. We’ve seen this problem on a lot of sites and it’s a crucial web design error that could be costing you money. An easy test, and easily measured performance improvements.

Whether you want a quick once over visual check to see if there’s anything glaringly obviously wrong (such as hiding calls to action in brand colours), a more formal Web Site Audit, or you need some PPC or SEO performance improvement, give us a call and see what we can do for you.

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